Friday, May 2, 2014


FROM:      Josh Sorbe, South Dakota FCCLA VP of Public Relations and Hoven FCCLA

SUBJECT:  Students Show Their Superpowers at State FCCLA Leadership Conference

       1,400 students recently attended the state convention of the South Dakota Family, Career and Community Leaders of America, which was held April 27th – 29th at the Ramkota Convention Center in Sioux Falls. The superpower-themed event was a great success. FCCLA members attended workshops, competed in STAR (Students Taking Action with Recognition) Events, and ran for leadership positions. On Sunday night, students listened to highly acclaimed keynote speaker Laymon Hicks. Students also had the opportunity to attend workshops presented by peer educators.  Katie Arbach was on the Career Peer Education team giving a workshop on Career in Nonprofit.                   

       On Monday, the new state executive council was announced.  STAR Event winners were also announced.  The new state officers and STAR Event winners will attend the National Leadership Conference in San Antonio, Texas this coming July.           

       FCCLA is the only youth-led organization with family as its central focus. Members learn how to be active community leaders, become caring family members, and prepare for life beyond high school.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Family Prom Coming Soon

            Since the family prom has been very successful the Hoven FCCLA/Student Council will be holding a Family Prom on Friday, March 28th from 7:00 to 9:00 P.M.  The prom will take place in the Hoven Elementary Gymnasium.  Everyone from grades 7-12 must participate and bring along a family member to walk beside you.  Be getting your outfit picked out!  Students and their date need to wear formal/professional attire.    
         After the prom we will hold a family dance until 9:00 P.M.  This is a time where you can dance with your family members and have a lot of fun.  From 9:00 to 12:00 P.M. the dance for 7-12th grade students will begin.  You are invited to invite other students from different schools, but they must be in 7-12th grade.  To get in the cost will be $3 for one person and $5 for a couple.   
        We hope that everyone in the community can come and enjoy the fun-filled evening with us and get on their dancing shoes to dance the night away!

Monday, February 3, 2014

District VIII FCCLA Meeting

By: Katie Arbach 

            The Hoven FCCLA Chapter attended the 2014 District FCCLA Meeting, which was held on Monday, January 20, 2014 in Gettysburg.  The theme for this years meeting was “Discover the Hero in You,” focusing on Super Heroes.  There were a variety of activities done throughout the meeting to get the members involved and interested. We had a chapter challenge where you had to find puzzle pieces hidden around the gym and put the puzzle together that represented a super hero.  Tyler Fisher from Gettysburg was the guest speaker who talked about the pillars in life to become a hero.  Bailey Zweber competed in Job Interview and received a gold and will go on to compete at State FCCLA in April.       
            Five members from the Hoven FCCLA Chapter attended the District 8 meeting.  The members participated in workshops, attended STAR Events, and had a great time.  Bailey Zweber represented Hoven FCCLA very well being a district officer.  Bailey was Co-Chair for District 8.  Katie Arbach held a workshop focusing on careers for her Peer Education team.  
            Upcoming events for the Hoven FCCLA Chapter is FCCLA Week, Family Prom on March 28th, Large Group and FCCLA Open House on April 14th, and competing at State FCCLA at the end of April. 


Tuesday, January 28, 2014

District Eight FCCLA Gives Pop Tabs to Clayton Horst

By: Katie Arbach 

            On Tuesday, January 21, we delivered the pop tabs that the District 8 FCCLA collected for the Ronald McDonald House.  To make it more special, we delivered the pop tabs to a little boy (Clayton Horst) in Ipswich that enjoys delivering pop tabs to Sanford Children’s Castle or Ronald McDonald House.  He was supposed to come to the district meeting to receive the pop tabs, but due to bad weather could not make it.  Clayton Horst is a little boy who was diagnosed with Neuroblastoma cancer when he was seven months old.  Luckily, Clayton is now cancer free at this time!  He was so happy to receive all of the pop tabs.  

            The winner for the local pop tab contest was the high school.  The community of Hoven collected sixty-eight pounds of pop tabs and all together as a district, we collected three hundred and thirty six pounds of pop tabs.  We would like to thank the community for saving the pop tabs. Next year, we will be having the pop tab contest again so keep saving them during the summer.  Clayton cannot wait until next year to receive them again!  

Student of the Week

By: Katie Arbach

Caleb Hageman

Family: Dan, Angie, Darin (31), Tonya (29), Sarah (19), Lacey (17), Caleb (14), and Trevor (9)

Hobbies: Hanging with friends, sports, hunting, and fishing

Favorite Movie: Division III: Football's Finest

Favorite Athlete: De'Anthony Thomas

Favorite Food: Springers

Advice to peers: "Do the best you can at everything you do from school and sports to whatever job you grow up will pay off!"

Favorite Quote: "I have failed over and over and over again in my life and that is why I succeed" - Michael Jordan

If your house was on fire what one item would you save, given your family was out safely?  -My basketball